by ASF | Apr 14, 2022 | Latest News & Events
The Mutual Trust Bank Limited (MTBL) stands alongside ASF. Mr. Chowdhury Akhtar Asif, Additional Manager Director & Group Chief Risk Officer of MTBL along with Mr. Azam Khan, Head of Communication and Ms. Tahmina Zaman Khan, Head of Sustainability and Risk Governance paid their visit to ASF on 12 April 2022.

Mr. Sarder Jahangir Hossain, Executive Director of ASF, accompanied by ASF’s senior management team welcomed the guests and briefed them about ASF’s integrated journey to end acid violence from Bangladesh, its accomplishments, challenges and the future 7 Goals from 2022-2030.
Mr. Asif highly recognized the noble work of ASF. He recommended strategizing the unique works adopting on changing environment and needs. He emphasized to have ASF’s own space and suggested to advance the initiatives for Zakat Fund. From the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of MTBL, Mr. Asif handed over a Cheque to Mr. Hossain as token of love to continue ASF’s great work.
The Executive Director thanks to Mr. Asif and his team for this visit and generous support from MTBL to ASF. Mr. Hossain strongly encouraged all the Corporates as part of their social responsibility may join in ASF’s partnership journey to continue its philanthropic works.
by ASF | Apr 3, 2022 | Latest News & Events
ASF participated in an Advocacy meeting with CIDV (citizens’ initiative against domestic violence). It’s a project learning sharing meeting on ‘combating intimate partner violence in Bangladesh’ in the context of COVID -19 on 30th March 2022.

ASF’s recommendation was highly appreciated in the meeting which is about the engagement of the Government in taking the initiative to work together. The program was organized by CARE Bangladesh.
by ASF | Mar 23, 2022 | Latest News & Events
On 2nd March 2022, at 3:30 am, a new acid attack violence has happened in Golachipa, Patuakhali.

The name of victim is Toyna, 20 years old, attacked by her husband named Milon, who used to torture her for demanding dowry and he was continuing extramarital relationship.
Her face and both hands have burnt. She is now getting her treatment at Sheikh Hasina Institute of Burn and Plastic Surgery from 7th March.
A Case has been filed at Golachipa Police Station. The Perpetrator got arrested.
A team from Acid Survivors Foundation has visited Toyna at the hospital and assured her that ASF is always here for her and will ensure possible assistance. Thanks to all who help her.
by ASF | Mar 15, 2022 | Latest News & Events
আন্তর্জাতিক নারী দিবস উপলক্ষ্যে কন্যা শিশু এ্যাডভােকেসি ফোরাম আয়ােজিত অনুষ্ঠানে এসিড সারভাইভারস ফাউন্ডেশনের কর্মীবৃন্দ অংশগ্রহন করেন। অনুষ্ঠানটি আয়ােজন করা হয় ইঞ্জিনিয়ার্স ইনস্টিটিউশন, রমনা। অনুষ্ঠানে ৪০টি সংগঠনের প্রতিনিধিবৃন্দ উপস্থিত ছিলেন। অতিথিবৃন্দের আলােচনা, সম্মাননা প্রদান ও সাংস্কৃতিক অনুষ্ঠানের মধ্য দিয়ে সমাপ্ত হয়।
প্রতিপাদ্য বিষয় ছিলাে- “টেকসই আগামীর জন্য, জেন্ডার সমতাই আজ অগ্রগণ্য”

by ASF | Mar 12, 2022 | Latest News & Events
International Women’s Day celebration on 9th March at Bangabandhu International Conference Center.
Anisul Huq, Honourable Minister for Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs, was the chief guest!
Organized by National Human Rights Commission Bangladesh!
A team has attended the program on behalf of the Acid Survivors Foundation.
