by ASF | Nov 10, 2024 | Latest News & Events
“Acid Violence on defense forces”
On 06 November 2024, over a Facebook post of Osman Ali, a huge crowd gathered at Teribajar Hajari Len of Chattrogram, including; follower of International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon) and other radical Hindus. They intended to kill Osman along with his brother and set their shop on fire. When the joint defense was informed- six units of patrolling team of BGB and Armed forces arrived in order to prevent mob justice and rescue Osman with his brother. The crowd was promised that fair justice would be served, yet the crowd got aggressive and tried to snatch the rescued. They attacked the officers, broke down their vehicles and threw jewelry testing acid upon the officers. Approximately nine police officers and five army officers were injured due to the attack. One of the army officers, and few other police officers suffered minor burns. The five army officers took medication from Chittagong Combined Military Hospital, the police officials got their treatment from Chittagong Medical College and Hospital. A police case is filed (case number-9/11/24).
by ASF | Oct 9, 2024 | Latest News & Events
মানিকগঞ্জের মর্মান্তিক ঘটনা
প্রথম আলোর তথ্য অনুযায়ী গত ১৩/০৯/২০২৪ তারিখ মানিকগঞ্জের সাটুরিয়া উপজেলায় শারমিন,শিরিন এবং রুবেল নামে ৩ জন মানুষকে পেট্রোল ঢেলে গায়ে আগুন ধরিয়ে দেওয়া হয়। এতে তাদের শরিরের অনেকাংশ পুড়ে যায়। তাৎক্ষনিক তিনজনকে স্থানীয়ভাবে কর্নেল মালেক মেডিকেল হাসপাতাল ও জেলা সদর হাস্পাতালে নেওয়া হয়। পরবর্তীতে উন্নত চিকিৎসার জন্য রাজধানীর শেখ হাসিনা জাতীয় বার্ন এন্ড প্লাস্টিক সার্জারি ইন্সিটিউটটে পাঠানো হয়েছিল।
এসিড সারভাইভারস ফাউন্ডেশন থেকে যোগাযোগ করে জানা যায়, ১০ বছর আগে হাসান আলি নামে এক ব্যক্তির সাথে শারমিন আক্তারের বিয়ে হয়। তাদের ৮ বছরের একটি ছেলে সন্তানও রয়েছে। শারমিন এবং তার স্বামী ২ জনই গার্মেন্টস এ চাকুরি করতেন। হাসান মানুষ হিসেবে ভালো ছিল না। সে প্রায় মদ খেয়ে নেশা করতো এবং শারমিনকে মারধর করতো। ঘটনার আগেও তাদের মধ্যে ঝগড়া হলে শারমিন তার চাচার বাড়িতে চলে আসে এবং স্বামীর নামে ডিভোর্স পাঠায়। এর জের ধরে তার স্বামী ঘটনার দিন চাচা শশুরের বাড়িতে এসে আবারো শারমিনের সাথে ঝগড়া বিবাদে লিপ্ত হয় এবং তাকে মেরে ফেলার উদ্দেশে গায়ে পেট্রোল ঢালে। তার চাচি এবং চাচাতো ভাই এটা বুঝতে পেরে শারমিনকে রক্ষা করার জন্য এগিয়ে আসে। তার স্বামী এই দুইজনের গায়েও পেট্রোল ঢেলে দেয় এবং তিনজনের গায়েই আগুন ধরিয়ে দেয়। এতে ৩ জনই মারাত্মকভাবে পুড়ে যায়। ২ জনের চিকিৎসা শেখ হাসিনা জাতীয় বার্ন এন্ড প্লাস্টিক সার্জারি ইন্সিটিউটটে ( রুবেল এবং শারমিন) আর ১ জন ঢাকা মেডিকেল কলেজ হাসপাতালে শুরু হয়।
অত্যন্ত বেদনাদায়ক খবর হচ্ছে, গত ২৫/০৯/২০২৪ তারিখ রুবেল ও শারমিন মারা যান এবং ২৬/০৯/২০২৪ তারিখ চাচি শিরিন আক্তার মারা যান। তাদের আত্মীয়ের সাথে কথা বলে জানা যায়, আসামীকে অর্থাৎ শারমিনের স্বামীকে ধরা হয়েছে এবং থানায় মামলা হয়েছ। উল্লেখ্য যে, ধস্তাধস্তিতে আসামীর শরীরেরও কিছু অংশ আগুনে পুড়ে যায়। তাই উন্নত চিকিৎসার জন্য মানিকগঞ্জ কোর্ট থেকে তাকে ঢাকায় পাঠানো হয়েছে।
by ASF | Sep 4, 2024 | Latest News & Events
Renowned Lawyer Advocate Sigma Huda passed away on 17 July 2024. We are deeply saddened to hear the untimely passing of our respected and beloved Sigma Apa, an iconic pioneer to fight for establishing women rights and human rights of the vulnerable population.

As a founding Trustee of the Acid Survivors Foundation she played an active role to uphold the dignity and rights of the Acid Survivors. She was actively involved in the movement for enacting two acid violence related laws that played instrumental role in reducing acid violence in the Bangladesh.
It is a great honor to acknowledge that she had been a great source of inspiration and a light of hope for the Acid Survivors. ASF will always remember her with utmost respect and love.
We extend our heartfelt condolence and love to the departed soul. Let Almighty God bestow HIS divine peace on her.
by ASF | Sep 4, 2024 | Latest News & Events
Hafsa Akter, a woman, was attacked by acid on 05/07/2024. She was attacked by her husband Humayun Kabir while residing at her father’s home, Village: Brahmin Jati, Post: Kendua, Police Station: Kendua, District: Netrakona. She is presently 33 years old.
According to reports, Hafsa was distressed due to her husband’s poor romantic relationship and physical weakness. She suggested that he seek treatment, but he refused. As a result, he became increasingly argumentative, confrontational, and verbally and physically abusive towards her. After Eid-ul-Adha in 2024, the abuse escalated, and he began beating her. Unable to bear the situation any longer, Hafsa moved to her father’s house and firmly declared that she would not return to her husband’s family. In response, her husband began threatening her, warning her not to start a new life with anyone else. This conflict culminated in a horrific incident where the accused threw acid through the window of Hafsa’s father’s house using a clinical syringe around 7:30 pm.
Her right eye, right ear, mouth, and throat were burnt and her stomach was damaged by acid. After the incident, her relatives quickly poured water on her and then rushed her to Kendua Adampur Health Complex. She was referred to Mymensingh Medical College Hospital for advance treatment and was discharged from the hospital, after being admitted for 4 days. Currently, she is staying at her father’s house.
A case has been filed in Kendua police station on 05/07/2024. At present, the accused is absconding.
Hafsa Akter said, “She is required medical treatment and the accused should be arrested & punished under the appropriate laws”. Hafsa who was contacted by the Acid Survivors Foundation team, was asked to visit ASF for necessary assistance.
Your contribution can be preventing acid attacks and helping the survivors live life with peace, happiness, and dignity.
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by ASF | Sep 3, 2024 | Latest News & Events
Jahanara, a 40-year-old woman from Satkhira, was brutally attacked with acid on July 18, 2024, reportedly due to a past extramarital relationship with the perpetrator and ongoing financial disputes. Despite both being married and Jahanara having her own family, the attack occurred when she refused to continue the relationship. Jahanara, who works for an organization called Prerna, had the incident reported to the Acid Survivors Foundation (ASF) shortly after it occurred. Initially admitted to Sadar Hospital, she was later transferred to the Sheikh Hasina National Institute of Burn and Plastic Surgery in Dhaka for specialized treatment, as the attack left over 30 percent of her body severely burned.The ASF has committed to supporting Jahanara throughout her recovery. After her discharge from the hospital, she continues to receive outpatient care from ASF, along with financial assistance to aid in her recovery. Additionally, she has been provided with Taka 10,000 to ensure she can maintain a nutritious diet.

A case has been filed at Satkhira, Kaliganj police station. The accused is not arrested yet.
Your contribution can be preventing acid attacks and helping the survivors live life with peace, happiness, and dignity.
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by ASF | Sep 3, 2024 | Latest News & Events
“I am Md. Hasanuzzaman from Narayanganj. Unfortunately, when I was 2 years old in 1997, I was a victim of an acid attack that severely affected my eyes, mouth, nose, and forehead. Thanks to ASF for providing the medical treatment in which I am now in much better physical condition than before.
ASF has also provided me with several trainings on professional and life skills, encompassing areas such as Computer Literacy, Leadership Development, Gender Issues, and Mental Health and educational support when I was continuing my under-graduation. Presently, I am proficient in handling routine office tasks and utilizing the Internet effectively.
Following graduation, I faced a prolonged job search period. During this challenging time, ASF offered me a position as a Data Entry Operator on May 23, 2023, when I was in dire need of employment. I will always be thankful to ASF for their unwavering support during times of difficulty and I am trying to consistently deliver top-notch service.

Upon joining ASF, I reached out to over 960 survivors throughout Bangladesh over phone and face-to-face conversations who shared similar experiences to mine. In my role as a data entry operator tasked with gathering data on acid and other burn survivors, I have actively interacted with individuals, acquiring essential information & knowledge about their profile, struggles, needs, and beyond. Moreover, through listening to their narratives of resilience, I have been able to exchange my own experiences. Working with survivors has been a rewarding experience for me.
During my time at ASF, I have acquired knowledge on office culture, values, and manners, undergone counseling, enhanced discipline, upgraded my computer skills, gained insights into various information domains, learned about the service delivery processes, and explored other related areas. ASF has been instrumental in boosting my mental resilience and motivation for work, inspiring me to pursue new aspirations. The valuable experience gained at ASF will greatly benefit my future career endeavors. Once again, I am deeply grateful to ASF for offering me this opportunity to work and grow.”
Your contribution can be preventing acid attacks and helping the survivors live life with peace, happiness, and dignity.
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