Since its inception, ASF has been working against acid violence in Bangladesh through extensive awareness raising campaigns on multiple causes and its prevention initiatives. ASF’s prevention initiatives campaigns focuses on raising awareness on root causes on acid violence, its legal and social consequences. ASF has identified that acid is used as a weapon in a wide range of context from land disputes to domestic disagreement to sexual harassment. The prevention awareness raising campaigns target youth, families, communities, government and civil society.
School and college campaign
In Bangladesh, acid survivors face many cultural stigma and multiple barriers in society. At the same time they face marginalization from their own community and family members. Many of the survivors considering themselves as burden and starts isolation. To address these issues, ASF carries out preventive approach at community level so the survivors can smoothly reunite with their family members and return to their community. As part of preventive measure for survivors, ASF holds school and college campaigns at local educational institutions. The objective of holding campaign is to aware students, teachers and school management committee on survivors’ needs and help in creating an enabling environment for survivors.

Bazar Campaign
Door to Door Visit
Acid survivors represents as ambassador at district level. The survivor ambassadors visit door to door of other acid survivors to provide peer support and to assess on survivors needs including prompt treatment, legal and psychological services and raise public awareness on prevention of violence.

Workshop and seminar
ASF conducts various seminar and workshop for the capacity building of staffs and acid survivors on prevention. As for example gender mainstreaming, team building, essential burn training, case management training, leadership training and more.
Press Conference
At national and district level, ASF organizes discussion meetings with media to aware media on the causes and consequences of acid crime, violence and prevention. Through reports media play a significant role in raising awareness to mass population on acid violence.

Acid Seller-User Meeting
Since 2009, ASF has taken various awareness meetings to prevent acid violence in discussions with acid seller and users. The discussion centering on Acid Control Act 2002 and its importance. The overall goal of the awareness meeting is to ensure fair use of the law to prevent acid violence.
Day Celebration
ASF has been celebrating national and international days to aware and educate on acid violence. The days are celebrated both virtually and physically. Days including international women’s day, international youth day, national and international girl child day, 16 days of activism, international human rights day are common days celebrated by ASF.

Awareness Raising
Over the years, ASF has been working on raising awareness on acid violence, its legal and social consequences. ASF has widened its focus to build awareness on the root causes of acid violence. ASF had identified that acid as a weapon is used in a wide range of context from land disputes to domestic violence to sexual harassment. ASF’s awareness raising campaigns target youth, families, communities, government and civil society. ASF works with media to raise awareness on acid attacks.