Advocate Nina Goswami
Representative: Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK)
Nina Goswami currently working as a Sexual Harassment Protection committee member of Law Ministry, Women and Children Ministry. She is also involved with Department of Women and Children Affairs and NGO Forum. She is also the Senior Deputy Director of Legal Aid Sector of Ain o Salish Kendra (ASK) [Working here since 1995 till date], Board Member of Acid Survivors Foundation and National Committee member of WECAN. She is working as a Law Expert of BRAC’s training module. She has been also serving as an Advocate since September 15, 1992. Member of Supreme Court Bar Association Member of Dhaka Bar Association.
She is also trained on Fact Finding Training, Human Rights Training Program, Feminist Legal Training Program, Interpersonal communication and Listening Skills, Alternative Dispute Resolution, English language, Workshop on Protecting Minority Rights and Defending Diversity in South Asia, Workshop on Combating Racism, Xenophobia & Discrimination Against Ethnic Minorities and Indigenous People.
She has been working in NGO sector for 22 long years as a practicing lawyer. She specializes on women rights and child rights and has been involved in numerous campaigns, cases, and law drafting either as a paid expert or volunteer. She is also capable of being highly efficient, balanced and productive co-ordination, even involving large numbers of people.