Feroza Begum, Ph.D.
Board Member
Rtn. Feroza Begum, is a psychosocial expert obtained Ph.D. degree in psychology from Dhaka University. She has long experience in development arena and worked in Fundaction Inetrvida; DASCOH; Save the Children (UK) Bangladesh and BRAC occupying with different senior positions. There are several scientific and general articles, reports, books including gender-relating topics published in different national and international journals, daily newspapers and newsletters. Her Membership Affiliation are: a) Bangladesh Cancer Society, b) Rotary International District 3281, c) Inner Wheel, District -345, d) Women for Women, a research and study group, e) Bangladesh Psychological Association and f) DIPTO Foundation. She participated Seminars, Workshops, both inside and outside the country on issues like adolescents and child development, child rights, education, gender and physically and intellectually challenged people and children. She is the daughter of Late Mrs. Sazeda HUQ, home maker and Late. PROF. DR. SAYYID Fazlul Huq – First Cancer Specialist in Bangladesh. Her interests are: Reading, writing, singing, traveling and work for those who need support and guidance.